Children’s Theater Groups - 01

Children’s Theater Groups

School theater / all-day programs

For more than 10 years we have been accompanying school theater groups from elementary and high schools in Chemnitz and Frankenberg. The rehearsals take place once a week at the respective schools or in our house. The students, aged 6 to 16, can discover their dormant talents and develop their individual strengths through the Theater AG. They invent and create their own texts, choose costumes and props, and try their hand at technical things like lighting and sound. In the end, they have their very own play, which is performed in the schools or on the Arthur stage. Some of the theater groups have already made it to the school theater week at the Schauspielhaus Chemnitz or other cultural events.



 Peggy Kikiela

 +49 (0)371 36 76 93 13

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Susann Neuenfeld

 +49 (0)371 306 84 08

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Kindergarten Project Frankenberg

In September 2020, a new project started in cooperation with the Gemeinschaftswerk Frankenberg. The aim of this project is to playfully introduce preschool children aged 4 to 6 from four different daycare centers in the Frankenberg area to theater. During the theater play, the children slip into different roles. They are explorers, observers, inventors, narrators, performers and spectators. In the process, they expand their perceptual and expressive abilities and develop their social skills. We are happy to be part of this development and to see all 4 daycare centers on stage in one big unit at the end of this beautiful project.


Peggy Kikiela

+49 (0)371 36 76 93 13 

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Social worker Frankenberg: Eric Nicolai