Human Rights Education - 01

Human Rights Education

"zum beiSPIEL: MENSCHENRECHTE!" is a project of Arthur e.V. to promote democracy and strengthen courageous action. The project serves the political education of children and young people and pursues the goal of sensitizing young people to socially relevant topics such as human rights, discrimination and group-related hostility, reducing prejudices, promoting acceptance of social diversity and empowering them to act in a non-violent and respectful manner. These topics are taught in practical, real-life workshops and project days at schools and school-based institutions.
As part of the project, our regulars' table is held every first Tuesday of the month at aaltra, where interested people can attend and talk and exchange ideas with us in an informal setting about the project and everything that moves them on the subject of human rights.
For current information and events follow us on:


Konstanze Wittersberg

+49 (0)371 306 84 08

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